The performance of students in mental retardation school is better than the action of students who learn in regular classroom on every field of mental health . the level of mental health of mild retardation students who learn in regular classroom is lowest 辅读学校的轻度弱智学生在心理健康各因素方面的表现都要优于随班就读的轻度弱智学生,随班就读的轻度弱智学生的心理健康水平是最低的。
The main cause on such result is that the system of education supporting for mild mental retardation students who learn in regular classroom is not good enough . so the study has some suggests for mental health education . the power of education should be integrated by some ways and mild retardation students should be trained in good mental trait 产生这样结果的主要原因在于对随班就读的轻度弱智学生的教育支持系统还不够完善,为此,本研究提出了一些心理健康教育建议,通过多种途径整合教育的力量,培养轻度弱智学生良好的心理素质。